Lesbian Avengers and the East Village— Crucible of Change


Roundtable and panel
Sat. Oct. 13, 3 pm EST.
The Dixon Place Lounge
161A Chrystie St. , NYC
or online at Ustream.tv.

Twenty years ago, the Lesbian Avengers kicked off with a daring action handing out balloons to elementary school children encouraging them to "Ask about Lesbian Lives," one of the most radical LGBT efforts ever to fight the erasure of LGBT people, confront bullying, and take on homophobic taboos. Not to mention launch a movement!

Join us, as we explore their roots in the East Village of the 80's and 90's, hotbed of dyke activism, dyke art, laboratory of queer identity, and flashpoint of a nationwide culture war declared by Pat Buchanan at the 1992 Republican National Convention.

Panelists include playwright and Avenger co-founder Ana Simo, performer Carmelita Tropicana, filmmaker and Avenger Su Friedrich, videomaker and Avenger Harriet Hirshorn, musician and Avenger Eve Sicular, and other special guests.

This panel has been aided and abetted by Gay City News, Autostraddle.com, the office of New York City councilmember Rosie Mendez. Our biggest thanks go to the kindly folks at Dixon Place.


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